İtalyan Alpleri - İtalya - Mountain Groups and hiking trails

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

Here is a map of the geographical breakdown of the Alps, which is consistent with the classification SOIUSA.
Wikipedia: SOIUSA

This is not about a simple breakdown by country of: Austrian Alps, Swiss Alps, French Alps, Italian Alps, Bavarian Alps and the Slovenian Alps. This is a map of geographical division in accordance with the classification of the Alps SOIUSA. Developed data include 5 major chains, 36 groups and 132 subgroups. Mountain subgroups are described by the following: name of the subgroup (mountain range), the name of the group, the name of the main chain, photo of highest mountain, and name and height of highest mountain, and links to information in the wikipedia page.

Mountain Groups and hiking trails are described in the following data: name, section, chain, highest peak, link to Wikipedia, photo.

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

01.1 Prealpi Liguri
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-occidentali
section: 01 Alpi Liguri

highest peak: Monte Armetta (1.739 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

01.2 Alpi del Marguareis

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde
chain: Alpi Sud-occidentali
section: 01 Alpi Liguri

highest peak: Punta Marguareis (2.651 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

02.1 Alpi Marittime

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde
chain: Alpi Sud-occidentali
section: 02 Alpi Marittime e Prealpi di Nizza

highest peak: Monte Argentera (3.297 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

02.2 Prealpi di Nizza

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde
chain: Alpi Sud-occidentali
section: 02 Alpi Marittime e Prealpi di Nizza

highest peak: Monte Férion (1.412 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

04.1 Alpi del Monviso

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde
chain: Alpi Sud-occidentali
section: 04 Alpi Cozie

highest peak: Monviso (3.841 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

04.2 Alpi del Monginevro

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde
chain: Alpi Sud-occidentali
section: 04 Alpi Cozie

highest peak: Pic de Rochebrune (3.324 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

04.3 Alpi del Moncenisio

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde
chain: Alpi Sud-occidentali
section: 04 Alpi Cozie

highest peak: Pierre Menue (3.505 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

07.1 Alpi di Lanzo e dell'Alta Moriana

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde
chain: Alpi Sud-occidentali
section: 07 Alpi Graie

highest peak: Punta di Charbonnel (3.760 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

07.3 Alpi della Grande Sassière e del Rutor

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 07 Alpi Graie

highest peak: Aiguille de la Grande Sassi?re (3.751 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

07.4 Alpi del Gran Paradiso
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 07 Alpi Graie

highest peak: Gran Paradiso (4.061 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

07.5 Alpi del Monte Bianco

İtalyan Alpleri Fransız Alpleri'nde İsviçre Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 07 Alpi Graie

highest peak: Monte Bianco (4.810 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

09.1 Alpi del Grand Combin

İsviçre Alpleri İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 09 Alpi Pennine

highest peak: Grand Combin de Grafeneire (4.314 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

09.2 Alpi del Weisshorn e del Cervino

İsviçre Alpleri İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 09 Alpi Pennine

highest peak: Weisshorn (4.505 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

09.3 Alpi del Monte Rosa

İtalyan Alpleri İsviçre Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 09 Alpi Pennine

highest peak: Punta Dufour (4.634 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

09.4 Alpi Biellesi e Cusiane
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 09 Alpi Pennine

highest peak: Monte Mars (2.600 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

09.5 Alpi del Mischabel e del Weissmies

İsviçre Alpleri İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 09 Alpi Pennine

highest peak: Weissmies (4.023 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

10.1 Alpi del Monte Leone e del San Gottardo

İtalyan Alpleri İsviçre Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 10 Alpi Lepontine

highest peak: Monte Leone (3.552 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

10.2 Alpi Ticinesi e del Verbano

İtalyan Alpleri İsviçre Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 10 Alpi Lepontine

highest peak: Basodino (3.273 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

10.3 Alpi dell'Adula

İsviçre Alpleri İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 10 Alpi Lepontine

highest peak: Adula (3.402 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

11.1 Prealpi Comasche

İtalyan Alpleri İsviçre Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 11 Prealpi Luganesi

highest peak: Pizzo di Gino (2.245 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

11.2 Prealpi Varesine

İtalyan Alpleri İsviçre Alpleri
chain: Alpi Nord-occidentali
section: 11 Prealpi Luganesi

highest peak: Monte Tamaro (1967 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

15.1 Alpi del Platta

İtalyan Alpleri İsviçre Alpleri
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 15 Alpi Retiche occidentali

highest peak: Piz Platta (3.392 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

15.3 Alpi del Bernina

İsviçre Alpleri İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 15 Alpi Retiche occidentali

highest peak: Piz Bernina (4.049 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

15.4 Alpi di Livigno

İtalyan Alpleri İsviçre Alpleri
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 15 Alpi Retiche occidentali

highest peak: Cima de‘ Piazzi (3.439 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

15.5 Alpi della Val Müstair

İsviçre Alpleri İtalyan Alpleri Avusturya Alplerinde
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 15 Alpi Retiche occidentali

highest peak: Piz Sesvenna (3.204 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

16.1 Alpi Venoste

İtalyan Alpleri Avusturya Alplerinde
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 16 Alpi Retiche orientali

highest peak: Wildspitze (3.768 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

16.2 Alpi dello Stubai

İtalyan Alpleri Avusturya Alplerinde
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 16 Alpi Retiche orientali

highest peak: Zuckerhütl (3.507 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

16.3 Alpi Sarentine
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 16 Alpi Retiche orientali

highest peak: Hirzer (2.781 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

17.1 Alpi della Zillertal

Avusturya Alplerinde İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 17 Alpi dei Tauri occidentali

highest peak: Hochfeiler (3.510 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails


Avusturya Alplerinde İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 17 Alpi dei Tauri occidentali

highest peak: Großglockner (3.798 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

17.3 Alpi Pusteresi

Avusturya Alplerinde İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 17 Alpi dei Tauri occidentali

highest peak: Großvenediger (3.666 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

17.4 Gruppo del Kreuzeck

İtalyan Alpleri Avusturya Alplerinde
chain: Alpi Centro-orientali
section: 17 Alpi dei Tauri occidentali

highest peak: Hochgall (3.436 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

28.2 Alpi della Val di Non
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 28 Alpi Retiche meridionali

highest peak: Punta di Quaira (2.752 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

28.3 Alpi dell'Adamello e della Presanella
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 28 Alpi Retiche meridionali

highest peak: Presanella (3.556 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

28.4 Dolomiti di Brenta
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 28 Alpi Retiche meridionali

highest peak: Cima Tosa (3.173 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

29.1 Alpi Orobie
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 29 Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche

highest peak: Concarena (2.549 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

29.2 Prealpi Bergamasche
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 29 Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche

highest peak: Pizzo di Coca (3.052 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

30.1 Prealpi Bresciane
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 30 Prealpi Bresciane e Gardesane

highest peak: Monte Colombine (2.215 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

30.2 Prealpi Gardesane
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 30 Prealpi Bresciane e Gardesane

highest peak: Monte Cadria (2.254 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

31.1 Dolomiti di Sesto, di Braies e d'Ampezzo
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 31 Dolomiti

highest peak: Antelao (3.264 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

31.2 Dolomiti di Zoldo
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 31 Dolomiti

highest peak: Monte Civetta (3.220 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

31.3 Dolomiti di Gardena e di Fassa
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 31 Dolomiti

highest peak: Marmolata (3.343 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

31.4 Dolomiti di Feltre e delle Pale di San Martino
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 31 Dolomiti

highest peak: Vezzana (3.192 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

31.5 Dolomiti di Fiemme
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 31 Dolomiti

highest peak: Cima d‘Asta (2.847 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

32.1 Prealpi Vicentine
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 32 Prealpi Venete

highest peak: Cima Dodici (2.336 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

32.2 Prealpi Bellunesi
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 32 Prealpi Venete

highest peak: Col Nudo (2.472 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

33.1 Alpi Carniche
İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 33 Alpi Carniche e della Gail

highest peak: Hohe Warte (2.780 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

33.2 Alpi della Gail

Avusturya Alplerinde İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 33 Alpi Carniche e della Gail

highest peak: Große Sandspitze (2.770 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

34.2 Prealpi Giulie

İtalyan Alpleri Slovenian Alpler
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 34 Alpi e Prealpi Giulie

highest peak: Monte Plauris (1.958 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

35.1 Caravanche

İtalyan Alpleri Slovenian Alpler
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 35 Alpi di Carinzia e di Slovenia

highest peak: Hochstuhl (2.237 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

35.2 Alpi di Kamnik e della Savinja

Avusturya Alplerinde Slovenian Alpler İtalyan Alpleri
chain: Alpi Sud-orientali
section: 35 Alpi di Carinzia e di Slovenia

highest peak: Grintovec (2.558 m)

Hiking trails:

turistik Haritayı
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